Ends 8/7!
By Jon Westhoff and Winston Gambro
LCS: a Post-Apocalypse Comic about Collecting
A series of global catastrophes has left life on Earth decimated. The survivors are left to sift through the ashes for those last key issue amongst a wasteland of rubble and Pop Vinyl. A group of Chicago survivors run the last Comic Shop on Earth. They are out on a supply run when their salvage trip becomes a rescue mission.
Limited covers, sticker, magnets and more! Jump in early for those early nerd deals!
Up your add-ons!
Please share!back here! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/parttimecomix/lcs
We talked to Fueled by Weird about it!
More great guests!
We can’t even keep up!!! Look at all these guest???
Tickets on sale now at Reggie’s box office and EARLY ENTRY TICKETS ON Kickstarter
The Kickstarter has fun and unique items donated by creators to help us build a better show, so check it out!
Indie Comix Expo 2 (US)
Reggie’s Rockclub- 2109 S State ST. Chicago IL
Convention hours: 6pm-10pm (Early entry 5pm) FIRST 100 entrants get a free comic from Part-Time Comix library
Live music: 8:45 pm- 10 pm
Follow the event page here!!!